Daily Devotion to the Triune God

Lord, my God! My heart, my whole soul longs for You and seeks You. In You alone is peace, joy, bliss and life. Give me the grace today to seek You and find You, for love of You, to bear the guilt of my sins and not to renew the sins that have been forgiven.

Lord, my God! Awaken in my heart the feelings of repentance; give contrition to my spirit, let my eyes overflow like a fountain of tears, and my hands open to good works. My Lord, extinguish in me the lusts of the flesh and kindle the fire of Your love. My Redeemer, take from me the spirit of pride and graciously bestow upon me the treasure of humility. My Sanctifier, take from me the inclination to anger and in Your love give me the shield of gratitude and the peace of a gentle spirit.

Grant me, most gracious Father, an unshakable faith, a confident hope, and a steadfast love. O my God, let me, through your beloved Son, have compassion on the afflicted, instruct the erring, assist the helpless, help the poor, comfort the weeping, indulge my debtors, forgive insults, love my enemies, repay evil with good, despise no one, but honour everyone, imitate the good and be on guard against the evil, embrace every virtue and abhor evil. Let me be patient in adversity and humiliation and temperate in happiness; watch over every word that passes my lips; reject all earthly things and seek only heavenly things; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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