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Meine Seele preist Melody: Albert Frey Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2019 |
Jesus, Du bist König Lyrics and melody: Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2019 |
Komm, o komm, erfülle diesen Tempel Lyrics and melody: Arlene Friesen Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2019 |
Groß ist unser Gott Lyrics and melody: Lothar Kosse Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Keiner ist wie Du Lyrics and melody: Lenny LeBlanc Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Wo ich auch stehe Lyrics nach Ps. 139, 1-12 Melody: Albert Frey Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
So groß ist der Herr (How great ist our God) Ly. and M.: Chris Tomlin Germ. L.: Arne Kopfermann Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Nur den Saum Deines Gewandes Lyrics and melody: Albert Frey Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Niemand als Du, Herr Lyrics and melody: Andy Park dt. T.: Bodo Klose Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Adoramus Te Lyrics: Franz von Assisi Melody: P. Joh. Schneider Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Kommt und preist den heil'gen Namen Jesu T. u. M.: Eddie Espinosa dt. T.: Ute Spengler Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell im Sept. 2019 |
Schwarze Madonna Melody: Alicja Golaszewska, Polen Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Sept. 2019 |
Boldly I approach your throne Songwriter: Rend Collective / Simon Gottschick Germ. Interpre.: Urban Life Worship, feat. Juri Friesen (Instrumental recording) |
Herr meiner Herzenstiefen Lyrics and melody: Irene Sperr (Instrumental recording) |
Come to Jesus Lyrics and melody: Chris Rice (Instrumental recording) |
Es ist die Kraft des Herrn Ly. acc.to 2. Kor 3,17 and M.: Christine Morgenstern Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Shine Jesus Shine Lyrics and melody: Graham Kendrick Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Den Herrn will ich lobpreisen Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Amen, Amen, Maranatha Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
O komm herab, Du Heiliger Geist Lyrics.: Maria Luise Thurmair Melody: Anette Böhme Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Adoramus Te Lyrics: Franz von Assisi Melody: P. Joh. Schneider Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Ich bin dein Kind, Maria Lyrics and melody: Stefan Lackner Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Wo ich auch stehe Lyrics according to Ps. 139, 1-12 Melody: Albert Frey Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in Dec. 2017 |
Wind des Geistes Lyrics and melody: Hans Gnann (www.hansgnann.de) Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Du bist der Herr, der mein Haupt erhebt (Rückenwind) Lyrics and melody: Martin Pepper Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Atme in uns, Heiliger Geist Lyrics: J. M. Morin Melody: P. u. V. Mugnier Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Jesus, wir erheben Dich Lyrics and melody:: Paul Kyle Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Niemand als Du, Herr Lyrics and melody: Andy Park Germ. Ly: Bodo Klose Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Ruft zu dem Herrn (Shout To The Lord) L and M.: Marl. Zschech Germ. L.: D. Jacobi, P. Eltermann Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
So groß ist der Herr (How great ist our God) L. and M.: Chris Tomlin Germ. Ly.: Arne Kopfermann Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Wir loben Dich, Jeshua Lyrics and melody: Birgit Minichmayr Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Erschaffe mir ein reines Herz Lyrics and melody: David Fellingham Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in March 2017 |
Ich hab gewartet und gewacht ("Noch nie") Lyrics and melody: Johannes Hartl |
Wer im Schutz des Höchsten wohnt - Psalm 91 To the Melody of Leonard Cohens "Hallelujah" Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in December 2015 |
sheet music |
Nur den Saum Deines Gewandes Lyrics and melody: Albert Frey Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in December 2015 |
Jerusalem (Dunkelheit bedeckt alle Völker . . .) Lyrics and melody: J. M. Morin Recording during the healing retreat day in Klein-Mariazell in December 2015 |
Jeshua hamashiah (Jesus, the Messiah) (Instrumental recording) |
Majim chajim Jeshua (Jesus, the living water) Lyrics and melody: Andreas Schätzle (Instrumental recording) |
Lord, I lift Your name on high Lyrics and melody: Rick Founds (Instrumental recording) |
Wenn ich Deine Heiligkeit bestaune Cathy Perrin, Thomas van Dooren, Wayne Perrin (Instrumental recording) |
Blut Christi Lyrics and melody: unknown (Instrumental recording) |
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Dich nur bet' ich an Lyrics and melody: Hans Gnann Original available at www.hansgnann.de |
Heilig, heilig, heilig, Herr Lyrics and melody Karl Bernhardin Kropf (Instrumental recording) |
Davanti al Re Lyrics and melody: unknown (Instrumental recording) |
Jesus auf Dich vertraue ich Lyrics and melody: unknown (Instrumental recording) |
Kyrie Taize (Instrumental recording) |
Our Father (new version) (Instrumental recording) |
sheet music |
Gegrüßt seist Du, o Maria (Instrumental recording) |
sheet music |
Du hast mir in die Augen geschaut Lyrics and melody: unknown (Instrumental recording) |
Komm, Heil'ger Geist, mit Deiner Kraft Ly.: unkn. Melody after the hymn from the "Gotteslob" "Kommt herbei, singt dem Herrn" |
Veni, Sancte Spiritus Melody: Roland Patzleiner (Instrumental recording) |
Agnus - Gottes Lamm, Herr Jesu Christ (Instrumental recording) |