Br. Gabriel Hüger Sam. FLUHM Accompanying Texts to his Lectures
When we look onto God, trust in Him, absorb His divine thoughts in us, He gives us the blessing. However, when we follow thoughts that are inimical to God, the blessing fails to come and we may even become sick and do “laps of honour“ of failure. Therefore, it is so important to replace sickening, negative thoughts with thoughts of God.
David, however, did not let himself be paralysed by thoughts of fear but looked onto God full of trust and called, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And to Goliath he called, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, ... whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, ... that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.“
“Do not give yourself over to sorrow, and do not afflict yourself deliberately. Gladness of heart is the life of man, and the rejoicing of a man is length of days. Delight your soul and comfort your heart, and remove sorrow far from you, for sorrow has destroyed many, and there is no profit in it. Jealousy and anger shorten life, and anxiety brings on old age too soon.“ (Sir 30:21-24)
When we do not pay attention, negative thoughts may consolidate. They may become ties imposed on ourselves and lead to diseases, failure, yes, even to death. Roots of sickening thoughts are a.o. rejection, fear, bitterness, envy, jealousy, greed, worries. They develop through thoughts imprinted on us and ties that are transmitted to us either individually or by society, and which we have absorbed in the course of our life through the short-term and the long-term memory. The short-term memory takes a “snapshot“, the long-term memory takes over and consolidates this negative image through pondering/brooding, repeated experience and inner consent to the situation, which renders sick in the long run. The healing process is similar to a long-distance run. First, it is important to notice negative thoughts, behaviours and habits, to renounce them resolutely, and then replace them with divine ones. To acquire new habits takes time. By internalising the word of God – be it through repeating bible quotations or the so-called Lectio Divina (contemplation of the Scripture) – new patterns for right behaviours are created in the long run in our long-term memory. This, in turn, leads to health of the soul and strengthens the body.
As early as in the second century, the Christian monks learned about the delivering and healing approach to thoughts. They observed the thoughts, resolutely renounced the bad thoughts and replaced them with healing quotations of the word of God. To the monk Cassian, prayer with the word of God is an effective remedy to change man internally and to heal him. The monks discovered that the spirit of man deals with the thoughts. According to the monks, the thoughts stand for tribulations and temptations, for everything that threatens to make us internally sick. Thus, what matters is that we fill the spirit with good thoughts. By thinking of God, by contemplating the word of God and through prayer he may protect himself against bad thoughts and find healing. The right approach to thoughts, therefore, is a remedy to be healed from wounds and diseases. On the topic treated here, the two depicted folders/brochures (in German and English) with the respective Lectures “God’s Remedy Against Any of these information media may be ordered/purchased against a donation at the address indicated on the back.
When we think of divine things the evil spirits have no room in us any more. But this is not only a question of room. The thoughts have an impact on the spirit and transform it into what they offer to it. By thinking of God, man slowly finds taste in God. He is transformed into what he thinks. – We thus become healthy because of the healthy thoughts to which we surrender in prayer. In the words of the Scripture, of which we think in prayer, God Himself is in us, God’s holy and at the same time healing spirit.
1st Method: Vigorously turn away from the bad thoughts!
2nd Method: Do not pay attention to the bad thoughts but resort to prayer, look onto God (e.g. Jesus on the cross).
3rd Method: When there is an onrush of tormenting thoughts: get up and pray!
St. Antonius Eremita (+ 356)
We correctly deal with sickening thoughts and bad behaviours by resisting them in the power of God:
TEXT: Fr. Dr. Anselm Grün OSB, Fr. Gabriel Hüger Sam. FLUHM – COMPOSITION: Fr. Gabriel Hüger Sam.FLUHM CONTACT DATA & ORDER ADDRESS: 0043 / (0)2673 – 2271 (Monastery) – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - LITERATURE USED IN THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION: