Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer: Most Holy Trinity, one God in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
I worship You and adore You as my Creator, Redeemer, Protector and Sanctifier. I thank You for all the blessings and graces You have bestowed upon my body and soul this day and throughout my life. How shall I repay you, O Lord? Body and soul and all that belongs to me I offer to Thee in union with Jesus Christ and His infinite merits. O that I could give Thee such thanks, praise, glory and honour as Thy angels and dear friends in heaven and on earth. Behold, my heart is now prepared.

Evening examination of conscience: Come, O Holy Spirit! Lighten my heart with the rays of Your eternal light, that I may give heed to all the sins and failings of this day in bitterness of soul, confess them to You, and repent according to their gravity, in order to be reconciled to You, my supreme good.
Thine eyes have seen my imperfections and have observed all my faults. How great and many then, O Lord, are my iniquities and sins; show me my vices and transgressions!
Now examine your conscience, scrutinise all the hours of the day, and know what good you have omitted and what evil you have committed, in thought, word and deed.... . .

Ask forgiveness: In bitterness of the suffering of Your beloved Son, O most gracious Father, I confess to You all my iniquities, missteps and great unfaithfulness which I have committed against You this day, not only by serving You so little and thinking of You so seldom, but also by offending You, my dear God, with my many sins. Oh, I see nothing but iniquity and ingratitude against Thee! What have I done! How have I ever offended Thee, my so loving Father, and forgotten Thy many blessings and graces! With a sorrowful heart I say to Thee with an open heart: O God, have mercy on me poor sinner; have mercy on me! Lead my poor soul back again to the flock of Thy Chosen. I confess my wickedness and all my sins and repent them from the bottom of my heart. I am sorry that I have offended Thee, O my God, whom I love above all things so much. Forgive me, O Father, through the tears and lamentations, through the bitter suffering and death of Your most beloved Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. In Thee, O Jesus, is all my hope. In Your Holy Blood and Your infinite merits let all my sins and iniquities be submerged; here You wipe them out and make up for all that I lack in satisfaction. For Thou art the reconciliation for our sins.

Recommendation into the Divine Protection: Let me now rest, dear Father, I lay myself in Your arms. Close my eyes through Your Fatherly love and keep me united to Your Spirit during my sleep, so that Satan may have no power over me. For You are the guardian and protector of Israel, who neither sleeps nor slumbers. Your hand that was stretched out and nailed to the cross, bless me and my family. Through Your cross and suffering, I beseech You to graciously turn away from us all dangers of sin, all misfortune, especially a sudden death in the state of sin.

Recommend me to the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Mother of mercy, who you gave birth to the Son of God in the deep silence of the night and became a mother of salvation for all who call upon your help, bless and protect me this night in your motherly protection. To you I commend my body and soul; keep my heart from all sinful thoughts, that I may rest in holy peace.

Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel and all the Saints: Holy Guardian Angel and all the Saints, pray for me and all people that God may watch over us by His protection this night, through the time of our life and at the hour of death. During sleep, offer praise and worship to my God and Lord in my stead, and be my intercessors with Him until the shadows disappear and the day begins, and I come to His blessed sight in the heavenly realm, to praise and glorify Him for ever and ever.