Prayer of Deliverance

Lord Jesus Christ,

through this sign of the cross, cover us all, our families and our possessions with Your love, Your power and Your Blood, so that the enemy cannot harm us. (Make the Sign of the Cross)

In the name of Jesus, through the Blood which He has shed, through His five Sacred Wounds, upon the intercession of Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, who crushed the serpent’s head, upon the intercession of St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel, the conqueror of the dragon...

... I renounce Satan, the origin of all evil and sin, the father of the lie.

In the name of Jesus, I renounce every spirit of impatience and anger; every spirit of aversion and all restrained resentment; all hot temper and aggressiveness; all false judgement and prejudice; all wrath and hatred; all slander, lies and vituperation.

In the name of Jesus I renounce any spirit of discouragement and sadness; of melancholy and loneliness; of failures and frustration, of distrust of the love of God and the love of neighbour; of self-rejection and self-condemnation!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce every spirit of fear, the fear of God and Satan, the fear of people, animals and things, the fear of the future, sickness and death; the fear of heights and the fear of darkness; the fear of accidents and catastrophes, the fear of losing my reputation and standing; the fear of speaking in public and witnessing Your Gospel; the fear of losing a loved one and the fear of eternal damnation!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirits of inferiority complexes and self-pity; the spirits of worry, anxiety and anxiety, trauma and illness!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of emotional and mental instability and self-destruction!

In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of revenge; every desire for failure and death of one of my brothers and sisters; every injustice and exposure of people!

In the name of Jesus I renounce any spirit of rebellion against God, my brothers and sisters and against myself when I do not accept my weaknesses!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirits of greed for money, for possessions, for things, for people and for a good position!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirits of intemperance, drug abuse and smoking; excessive drinking, blasphemy and sacrilege!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce any spirit of jealousy and envy, of laziness and arrogance; of false pretences and exaggeration!

In the name of Jesus I renounce any spirit of offensive language and bad jokes; any spirit of unchaste practices and lust; any spirit of sexual masturbation and fornication; any spirit of prostitution and adultery; any spirit of homosexuality and lesbian love, any spirit of orgies and hedonism!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce any spirit of self-satisfaction and selfishness; any spirit of vanity, pride and prestige; any spirit of materialism and consumerism; any spirit of excessive ambition and power; any spirit of stealing and plundering!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce any spirit of superstition and lack of faith; the spirits of conscious religious distrust and confusion; the spirit of a religious belief in anything that opposes my faith!

In the name of Jesus, I renounce any spirit of idolatry and attention to anything religious that is contrary to my faith;

In the name of Jesus, I wholeheartedly renounce any spirit of occultism and New Age; any effect of baptism, consecration or the Sign of the Cross which connects me with the occult; all spiritistic practices, operations, treatments and medications in spiritistic centres; all witchcraft and Woodoo; all objects of superstition which I carry on me or have in my home;

In the name of Jesus, I renounce all curses and imprecations ever uttered to harm my family;

In the name of Jesus, I renounce all pornographic magazines and films, all literature, movies and music that contradict the sound teaching of salvation!

In the name of Jesus I renounce any spirit of worldliness and a non-Christian lifestyle!

In the name of Jesus, I command all evil spirits from which I have been delivered to go to the feet of Jesus and wait there for His commands! In the name of Jesus, I forbid all evil spirits who have left me to return and try to harm me! Thank You Jesus, for You have delivered me!

Jesus, You are the Lord of my life. I believe in You and acknowledge You as my Lord and Saviour. I belong to You, I am Your servant. God is my Father, Mary is my Mother!

By the grace of my baptism in the death and resurrection of Jesus, my Saviour and Lord, I command You, Spirit (... of fear, sickness, death, suicide, fornication, cursing, etc.): Depart from me and go to the cross, stand at the feet of Jesus, that he may dispose of you according to the sentence already pronounced; and I forbid you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, who took flesh from the Virgin Mary, to come back and harm me, harass me, or afflict me. Evil spirit, in the name of Jesus, leave now and do not come back.

You have no right over me and nothing about me belongs to you. The blood of Jesus gives me protection, and I proclaim my complete deliverance in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Come Holy Spirit, Spirit (... of courage, love, power, purity, etc.) fill me with Your power and light. Amen.

(Pray this short prayer as often as you have the impression that the demonic enemy is attacking again or is trying to make us uneasy by feigning symptoms).

In the name of Jesus, by the power of the Precious Blood of Jesus, by the power of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, by the power of the Risen Lord who sits at the right hand of the Father, by virtue of the authority given to me by Jesus and by the power of His Precious Blood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ...

... I renounce and reject all the powers of evil that seek to harm me. Submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and never return to me!

Our Lord Jesus Christ command you, Satan, and all your demons to go where he has appointed a place for you. Depart from me, for I am the child of the Father. I am part of the mystical body of Christ. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. I am called to resurrection in my body. I have been ransomed by the precious blood of Jesus so that in my body I may glorify God.

Therefore you, Satan, have no rights over me, over my family and my house. I and my house will serve the Lord!

In the name of Jesus, by the power of the Precious Blood of Jesus, by the power of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, by the power of the Risen Lord who sits at the right hand of the Father, by virtue of the authority given to me by Jesus and by the power of His Precious Blood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

I renounce and reject all the forces of evil that seek to harm me. Submit yourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and never return to me!

Our Lord Jesus Christ command you, Satan, and all your demons to go where he has appointed a place for you. Depart from me, for I am the child of the Father. I am part of the mystical body of Christ. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit. I am called to the resurrection in my body. I have been ransomed by the Precious Blood of Jesus so that in my Body I may glorify God. Therefore you, Satan, have no rights over me, over my family and my house. I and my house will serve the Lord!

I ask the Lord's forgiveness for all the sins of my ancestors, parents and relatives. I surrender them all to Jesus on the cross and, on behalf of my ancestors, parents and relatives, I forgive all those who have hurt them.

In the same way, I ask forgiveness for all my own sins and make a firm resolution to forgive all those who have hurt me. May the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus cleanse us from all our sins and free us from the bondage of unforgiveness, curses and sin.

  1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of selfishness and self-will, defiance and self-exaltation, independence from God and rejection, unwillingness and loneliness, unbelief and doubt, disobedience, rebellion and apostasy, heresy and blasphemy.
  2. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of anger and bitterness, of aversion and hatred, of resentment and non-forgiveness, of revenge and murder.
  3. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of fear and worry, of tension and discouragement, of timidity and depression, of frustration and disappointment, of despair and suicide.
  4. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of fear, of anxiety and shock, of inferiority complexes and nervousness.
  5. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of lust and masturbation, homosexuality and fornication, adultery, rape and incest, prostitution, animal instincts and seduction.
  6. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of lust that comes to me through thoughts, words and actions, through my eyes, ears, nose and tongue, through the sense of touch, through my hands, feet and sexual organs.
  7. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of worldliness, sensuality and pleasure, addiction to alcohol, smoking and tobacco, drugs, gambling, music and videos.
  8. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of attachment to persons and things.
  9. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of self-importance, the pursuit of names, fame, power, position, wealth, the spirit of greed and material possessions.
  10. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of laziness, hedonism and gluttony.
  11. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of pride, boastful arrogance, self-conviction, prejudice, unhealthy competition, jealousy, vain self-glorification, comparison and partiality.
  12. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of idolatry, witchcraft and sorcery, black and white magic, superstition, occultism, esotericism and the New Age movement and all the powers of evil that have taken possession of me through them (e.g. through worship of false gods, based on visits to non-Christian places of worship,
    by astrology, clairvoyance, numerology, channelling, by casting horoscopes and palmistry, by necromancy and the use of lucky amulets, tarot cards and mandalas, by pendulum dowsing, Yoga, Zen meditation, Reiki, chakras, table moving, Bach flowers, I Ching, automatic writing and spiritual healings, by spiritual leaders, past life regression, by keeping occult objects in the house and by similar esoteric and occult practices).
  13. In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of judging others, the spirit of condemning, accusing, blaming others, slandering others, humiliating others, dishonourable speech, quarrelling and abuse.

In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of deceit and fraud, deceitfulness and hypocrisy, lying, flattery and bribery, injustice and theft.

In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of disbelief, sacrilege and atheism, doubt, materialism and consumerism.

Lord Jesus, wash me clean with Your Precious Blood, especially my heart, my unconscious, my subconscious and my conscious thoughts, my conscience, my memories and my imaginations, my feelings, my mind and my will. Lord Jesus, wash me with Your Precious Blood. Wash my brain, my nervous system, the blood in my veins, my flesh, my bones and my internal organs.

Lord Jesus, wash me with Your Precious Blood. Wash my eyes, ears and nose, my sense of touch, my mouth and tongue, my hands, feet and sexual organs.

Send me from the Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Holiness. God Holy Spirit, grant me your seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of God.

Fill me with Your fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, longanimity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and chastity and anoint me with the charismatic gifts to build up the Christian community to the glory of the Father. Amen.

(Note: It is important in this prayer to guide those seeking help to imagine very concretely the presence of Jesus and Mary. When praying for washing in the Most Holy Blood of Jesus, the faithful should imagine themselves actually standing on Golgotha under the cross, so close that drops of the Saviour's blood fall on them and wash them clean).

(from the Sanabitur Seminar by Prof. Dr. James Mariakumar SVD)